The Paul McIlvaine Collection - WWII Short Snorters - England
The Short Snorter Project
Serial Number: J07D 720286  -  "WAR CORRESPONDENT’S SHORT SNORTER"
Ten Shillings Bank of England short snorter with the signatures and publications of three renowned War
Correspondents from World War II.


Morley Cassidy - Philadelphia Bulletin
From Dec. 16 to Christmas Day 1944,
he was with the 28th Division – the
“Keystone” Division.

Mark Murphy - Air Force Magazine

                 Edward T. Folliard
                  Washington Post

"I covered Roosevelt steadily from
1941 until the autumn of 1944 when
the Washington Post sent me to
Europe to cover the war. Then I came
back to Washington after the victory
in Europe. I came back right after V-E
Morley Cassidy, speaking about the bravery of the 28th in facing a German onslaught on a nation-wide broadcast to
America, said, "The 28th Division has performed one of the greatest feats in the history of the American Army. Against
nine divisions it has held so firmly that the German timetable has been thrown off completely."

Mark Murphy wrote for Air Force Magazine which was the official service journal of the Army Air Forces throughout
World War II.  In July 1946, at the behest of General Hap Arnold, Air Force Magazine became the official journal of the
newly created Air Force Association.